
更新时间:2017-05-19 来源:语言文学 点击:


  摘 要:唐菲是《大浴女》中塑造得比较丰满生动的人物形象,毕业论文:《大浴女》中唐菲形象的解读 - 语言文学毕业论文。唐菲鲜明的个性与之企图超脱世俗藩篱与命运抗争的形象的塑造,表现了铁凝叙事空间的更为辽阔的突破,展示了深刻的个性体验与咄咄逼人的心灵追问。本文着重通过分析唐菲的亲情,友情,爱情来解读《大浴女》,语文论文《毕业论文:《大浴女》中唐菲形象的解读 - 语言文学毕业论文》。

  关键词:铁凝 《大浴女》 唐菲 友情 亲情 爱情 人性体验 女性视角

  Abstract : Fei Tang whether big bath woman mould plump vivid personage image. Tang Feis distinct individual character and its attempt detached common customs hedge and destiny resist so that the image is moulded, have display more vast break-through that Tie Ning narrates in the space, has shown the deep individual character is experienced and questioned with overbearing soul . This text passes the kindred of analysing Tang Fei emphatically, friendship, the love comes to understand the big bath woman.

  Key words: Tie Ning Big bath woman Tang Fei Friendship Kindred.

  Love Human nature experience Womens visual angle.


