
更新时间:2019-11-12 来源:学习总结 点击:




  1.请问还有职位空缺吗?Are there any vacancies?

  2.这个职位还空着吗?Is it still vacant?

  3.你们有哪些职位空缺?What kind of vacancies do you have?

  4.我在外面招工牌上看到要招一名水管工,招到了吗?I saw a vacancy board outside for a plumber. Has the vacancy been filled?

  5.我想找个工作,这儿有吗?I'm looking for a job. Is It possible to find one here?

  6.我想知道你们是否有会计的工作? I would like to know If you have got a job for an accountant.

  7.你们有没有兼职口译员的工作?Do you have any Jobs for a part-time interpreter?

  8.你们公司有打字员空缺吗?Are there any vacancies for a typist in your firm?

  9.我今天在报纸上看到你们招聘销售经理的广告,我想问一下这个职位现在还空着吗?I'm enquiring about your advertisement for a sales manager in today's newspaper. Is this position still open?

  10.我还能申请这个空缺的职位吗?Can I still apply for the open position?


  Calling about a Position 打电话询问职位

  Operator: Hello, this is ABC Corporation. May I help you?


  Brian: Yes. I'm enquiring about your advertisement for a sales manager in today's newspaper. Is this position still open?


  Operator: Yes, but do you have any experience as a sales manager?


  Brian: Yes. I have a lot of previous experience in sales. I have worked for the sales departments of two companies since finishing my university.


  Operator: That sounds fine. Please give me your name and phone number and I'll set up an appointment for an interview for you. It will most likely be in a couple of days' time. Is that all right for you?


  Brian: Yes. My name is Brian and my phone number is 5294870.


  Operator: Thank you.

