【利己则生 利他则久】利他主义和利己主义的英语六级作文

altruism means consideration of the happiness and the good of others before ones own; an altruist考试试题

2014-07-13 06:56:58


there are many theories about the beginning of drama in ancient greece the on most widely accepte考试试题

2014-07-12 10:06:58


Rowling and Harry Potter  joanne rowling was born in bristol in england joanne always wanted to w考试试题

2014-07-12 01:30:18


most of us have had an eperience which reminds us the world is getting smaller perhaps when you w考试试题

2014-07-10 01:26:58


pollution  our surroundings are being polluted fast and mans present efforts can not prevent it t考试试题

2014-07-09 01:50:18


automobiles, as a product of modern civilization, have been playing a vital part in the daily acti考试试题

2014-07-08 23:53:38


英语六级作文1000字:怎样最好的利用课本(How to Make the Most out of Youn Tetbooks)  though you have been studying in考试试题

2014-07-07 04:16:58


kobe bryant first started turning heads on the basketball court when he was in middle school his考试试题

2014-07-05 21:26:58

【healthy】Health and Life英语六级作文

as the saying goes, you don’t know what happiness is until you lose it’ you don’t know what health考试试题

2014-06-30 13:23:38


the tape recorder is one of the most welcome and popular electronic devices ever invented for eam考试试题

2014-06-21 13:50:18

[thermo]The Sport I like Best英语四级作文

of all the sports, i like table-tennis best i think it is not only a sport but also an art, becau考试试题

2014-06-20 02:16:58

爱奇艺|A Childs Dream of a Star英语四级作文

there was once a child, and he strolled about a good deal, and thought of a number of things he h考试试题

2014-06-19 01:50:18


【成语】:事烦食少  【拼音】:shì fán shí shǎo  【简拼】:sfss  【解释】:每日处理的事务非常繁重,可吃饭很少。形容工作辛劳,身体不佳。  【出处】:《晋书·宣帝纪》成语

2014-04-28 18:43:38


一心一意搞好中考复习;奋战百日报答父母深恩。  十一载卧薪尝胆欲酬壮志;一百天刻苦攻读誓闯雄关。  十年磨一剑;百日铸辉煌。  人生几回打拼,昂扬斗志,竭尽全力,爱拼才会赢。  王侯将相都中考乎?标语

2014-04-10 12:40:18


那是平凡的,但是最美的风景,触动了我的心灵。  今天,天灰蒙蒙的下起了小雨,我站在了雨中很久,却不知天在下雨,雨珠拍打在脸上,我都分不清那是泪水还是雨水。今天,考试的试卷发了下来,看到试卷上的那个写景作文

2014-01-18 04:16:58


倒车也是需要技巧,很多新手会开车,倒车却没那么自信,所以说倒车的技巧需要掌握,大新手不会倒车怎么办?今天小编给大家解释一下!  新手不会倒车怎么办  1、首先,要目测车位的宽度、后面有没有障碍物,考试试题

2013-07-16 01:03:38


一、倒车时车速一定要减缓放慢  许多司机朋友会认为自己驾车水平比较高,所有总是自信满满的加速倒车,这样的行为是非常不可取的。因为倒车过车中,除了考验驾驶人员车技的同时,还有周围一些客观因素影响着驾考试试题

2013-07-10 09:30:18


1、仔细勘察倒车地点的地形,认真研究好倒车时的进退路线和可能发生的各种险情及防范措施。禁忌不实地察看就盲目倒车。  2、有条件时,应修整倒车地点的地形,尽可能消除各种隐患。在不符合倒车条件时,禁忌考试试题

2013-07-01 16:20:18


新手不会倒车怎么办  1、首先,要目测车位的宽度、后面有没有障碍物,两侧是不是有车停放,长度是否符合自身。晚上看不清时最好下来观察一下准确位置后再倒。  2、倒车时尽量选择从左侧倒入。左侧便于倒车考试试题

2013-07-01 08:00:18


下车看看  进入车位前要先观察好车位内的情况,包括大小、位置、有无地锁或者矮小的水泥墩等,做到心中有数。如果实在“吃不准”,不妨下车看看。一来避免潜在的风险,二来为自己积累经验。开始倒车前一定要通考试试题

2013-06-27 04:50:18