
更新时间:2020-03-26 来源:小升初作文真题 点击:



  1.In the New World as in Europe, each region developed its own ______ pattern of culture.

  A.distant B. distinct C.distinctive D. dismissed

  2.There was a certain old man in the village ______ none of us liked.

  A.who B. whom C.him D. that

  3.It is ______ to ask this merciless man for help.

  A.out of question B. out of the question C. beyond question D. in question

  4.Walking into the room, I saw Grandpa sitting at the desk, ______.

  A.newspaper spreading before him B. newspaper spread before him C.newspaper was spreading before him D. newspaper to be spread before him

  5.For the sake of ourselves and next generation we must now ______ paying attention to greenspace in towns and cities.

  A.set about B. set off C.set back D. set down


  1.C。[考点]形容词辨析 distinct“清楚的,清晰的;明显的,明确的;(~ from)种类不同的,分开的”;distinctive“特别的,有特色的”。 [译文]在新世界如同在欧洲一样,每一地区都形成了其自身的独具特色的文化模式。

  2.B。【考点]定语从句 本句中的引导词在从句中充当宾语,故用宾格whom。 [译文]在村子里有那么一个老头,我们谁都不喜欢他。

  3.B。[考点]介词短语辨析 out of question“毫无疑问”;out of the question“不可能的”;beyond question“毋庸置疑”;in question“讨论中的”。 [译文]向这个冷酷无情的人求助是不可能的。

  4.B。[考点]独立结构 构成和用法参见Model Test Seven第59题,本题要留意它的位置在句末,起补充说明作用。 [译文]走进房间,我看见爷爷坐在桌旁,他的面前摊着一张报纸。

  5.A。考点]短语动词辨析 set about“开始,着手”;set off“出发,启程;激起,引起”;set back“推迟,延缓,阻碍;使花费”;set down“写下,记下”。 [译文]为了我们自己和我们后代的利益,我们必须开始关注城镇的绿色空间。


  1. A person's calorie requirements vary ____ his life.

  A) across B) throughout C) over D)within

  2. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies in that region, ____ were surprising.

  A) as results B) which results C) the results of it D) the results of which

  3. Generous public funding of basic science would ____ considerable benefits for the country's health, wealth and security.

  A)lead to B)result from C) lie in D) settle down

  4. In a time of social reform, people's state of mind tends to keep ____ with the rapid changes of society.

  A) step B) progress C) pace D) touch

  5. ____ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.

  A) The girl was educated B) The girl educated

  C) The girl's being educated D) The girl to be educated

  6. ____ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled them accurately.

  A) Even if B) As far as C) If only D) So long as

  7. My train arrives in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I would like to take from there ____ by then.

  A) would leave B) will have left C) has left D) had left

  8. The speech which he made ____ the project has bothered me greatly.

  A) being concerned B)concerned C) be concerned D) concerning

  9. Harry was ____ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

  A) stung B) stuck C) bitten D) scratched

  10. The thief tried to open the locked door but ____ .

  A) in no way B)in vain C)without effect D) at a loss


  1.[译文] 一个人整个一生对热量的需求有所不同。

  答案为B.本题考点:介词辨析。throughout 作为介词有“在整个期间之意”。

  2. [译文] 在那个地区进行了一次关于初生婴儿死亡率的调查,调查结果令人吃惊。

  答案为D.本题考点:非限制性定语从句。从句子结构分析,逗号后的句子为定语从句。A、C两项便可排除。再根据the result 和survey的关系,survey应是the result的定语。

  3. [译文] 足够的基础科学基金会对国民的健康、财富、安全带来相当可观的好处。

  答案为A.本题测试动词短语的辨析:lead to(导致);result from(起因于,产生于);lie in(在于);settle down(定居) lead to相当于 result in(导致)。

  4. [译文] 在社会变革的时期,人们的思想状态趋向于和社会的迅速变化一起发展。

  答案为C.本题测试动词短语的辨析:keep pace with:跟……齐步前进,跟上……的发展;keep step with:跟……步调一致;keep in touch with:跟……保持联系。所以C项与题意相符。

  5. [译文] 这个女孩在简朴的生活氛围中接受教育,这是她的父母亲所希望的。

  答案为 C.本题测试动名词的用法,事实上是动名词的复合形式在本句中做主语。

  6. [译文] 即便计算无误, 科学家也永远无法确保他们已经考虑到了所有的变量和模型设立的准确。

  答案为A.本题测试的是连词短语的用法。根据题意,应是A项 even if(即便,即使)引导的让步状语从句。as far as(表示范围,程度)就……而言;至于;if only 只要,要是……多好;so long as只要。

  7. [译文] 我乘坐的火车将于今晚8点钟到达纽约。到那时我准备搭乘的班机已经飞走了。

  答案为B.本题测试时态。根据空格后的by then,then指eight o'clock tonight,该句应用将来完成时。

  8. [译文] 他所做的有关那个项目的讲话让我感到厌烦。

  答案为D.本题测试词性的判断。concern是动词;concerning是介词。在此句中,the project 前缺少一个介词。

  9. [译文] Harry 采蜜时被蜜蜂螫了一下。

  答案为A.本题为词义判断题。Stung的原型为sting:刺,螫,叮。其余三项的意思分别为B. stock(stick)戳,刺死;C. bitten(bite)咬;D. scratched抓。

  10. [译文] 这个小偷试图打开锁着的门,但枉费心机。

  答案为B.介词短语测试题。in no way决不,无论如何也不;in vain徒劳的,白白浪费的,at a loss迷惑,不知所措。

